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Fees and Rates

Plant Investment Fees: $9,690.00/Single-Family Equivalent (SFE), effective 1/1/2021

See Section 7.3.4 of the District's Rules and Regulations for SFE schedule (minimum of 1 SFE). A plant investment fee essentially purchases capacity in the Granby Sanitation District wastewater treatment facilities and is based upon a Single-Family Equivalent (SFE) rating. The SFE rating is based on characteristics for classifications of use.

This fee is collected at the time of building permit application and is based upon review of building plans. Upon review and payment of appropriate fees, plans will be stamped and signed by District staff as indication to the appropriate building department that fees have been paid.

A Plant Investment Fee Agreement must be completed and submitted.

Sewer Service Fees: $111.00/quarter/Single-Family Equivalent (SFE), effective 1/1/2021

Assessment of sewer service fees commences upon payment of the Plant Investment Fee.

This fee is billed regardless of customer usage/occupation of the premises. The cost of maintaining and, in many ways, operating the District's wastewater collection system and treatment plant continue regardless of occupancy. It is imperative that the District remain financially viable and that wastewater collection and treatment is available and reliable at all times for the welfare, safety and health of the community and for the protection of water quality.

Sewer Service Fees can be discontinued only upon forfeiture of an SFE which must be approved by the Board of Directors. Reestablishment of sewer service would then require the payment of a new Plant Investment Fee at the rate currently charged.

Involuntary Disconnection Fee: $200.00

Reconnection Fee: $200.00

Unauthorized Connection Fee: $500.00

Returned Check Fee: $30.00

Inclusion Fee: $1,000.00 per Single-Family Equivalent (SFE)